Community Update & Correspondence
Stay up to date on this national project through the ARTC website and the Australian Government Inland Rail website.
Narromine to Narrabri project receives Australian Government approval. Inland Rail’s Narromine to Narrabri project has received approval from the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water under theEnvironment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Read the full media release (05 Februrary 2024) here.
The Route History(PDF, 43MB) has been prepared by ARTC in response to requests from many stakeholders for a simple overview in one document of the relevant Inland Rail alignment decisions made over the years, and give explanations to help people understand the reasons behind those decisions. This information was received by Council on 31 January 2020 from ARTC.
The following information and correspondence is related to Gilgandra Shire.
Outgoing correspondence
Preferred Infrastructure/Amendment Report (September 2022)
EIS Submission (February 2021)
EIS-Submission-Cover-letter.pdf(PDF, 276KB)
Gilgandra-Shire-Council-Full-Submission-EIS.pdf(PDF, 1MB)
Senate Inquiry (February 2021)
Cover-letter-Gilgandra-Shire-Council-Inquiry.pdf(PDF, 195KB)
Submission-to-NSW-Government-Inland-Rail-Inquiry-Feb-2021-FINAL.pdf(PDF, 731KB)
Previous correspondence
Inland-Rail-Information-Sheet-Supporting-local-industry-participation.pdf(PDF, 841KB)
Inland-Rail-letter-21_8_19.pdf(PDF, 97KB)
Council motions regarding Land Access Agreements with JacobsGHD(PDF, 142KB) as at October 2018
Motion for LGNSW Annual Conference as at October 2018
Correspondence from Council re. Inland Rail(PDF, 581KB) as at May 2018
Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements(PDF, 189KB) 8 August 2018
APPROVAL-ROAD-RESERVES-inland-rail_1.pdf(PDF, 89KB)
Jacobs-ghd-inland-rail.pdf(PDF, 169KB)
Incoming correspondence
Notification-Letter_NSW-State-Approval_Feb2023.pdf(PDF, 162KB)
DPM Letter 15 November 2019.pdf(PDF, 157KB)
2019-letter-to-Shire.pdf(PDF, 118KB)
response_from_ARTC_Australian_Rail_Track_Corporation_to_resolution_27_inland-rail.pdf(PDF, 254KB)
Inland Rail Narromine to Narrabri SEARs 2018 09 28(PDF, 272KB) (October, 2018)
Notice of appointment of Independent Chair of the Narromine to Narrabri Inland Rail Community Consultative Committee(PDF, 514KB)(September, 2018)
Michael McCormack reply (September, 2018)(PDF, 182KB)
Community Consultative Committee, Call for Council Representation (September, 2018)(PDF, 90KB)
(PDF, 90KB)Community Consultative Committee - Council Representation - Narromine to Narrabri Inland Rail(PDF, 82KB) (August, 2018)
8 June 2018 Reply Letter from Hon Mark Coulton MP(PDF, 48KB)
29 May 2018 Reply Letter from Hon Mark Coulton MP(PDF, 44KB)
Helen Nugent reply letter(PDF, 50KB)
Mark Coulton reply letter(PDF, 44KB)
Letter from McBurnie's re. Inland Rail(PDF, 97KB)
Keep up to date with the latest information
Archived information
GSC-Road-Reserve-Map.pdf(PDF, 439KB)
Council's Community Update 10 July 2018(PDF, 700KB)
Council's Community Update 21 May 2018(PDF, 1MB).
Invitation(JPG, 596KB) to Community Meeting, Thursday 22 November at Gilgandra Shire Hall 1pm.