Is a Construction Certificate Required?
If your proposal involves construction works (and cannot be carried out as “complying development”), then you will need to lodge a Construction Certificate Application. You are not able to commence any form of construction until you have received Development Consent and a Construction Certificate. A Construction Certificate can be approved and issued by Gilgandra Shire Council or a Private Certifier.
What is a Construction Certificate?
A Construction Certificate is an approval that certifies that your proposed development, if completed in accordance with your plans and specifications, will comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) including relevant associated structural standards and codes.
Appointing A Principal Certifying Authority (PCA)?
A Principal Certifying Authority (PCA) is the authorised Certifier who issues the Construction Certificate. You may wish to appoint Gilgandra Shire Council or a Private Certifier as the PCA to issue your Construction Certificate.
Should you wish to appoint Gilgandra Shire Council as the Principal Certifying Authority
Should you wish to appoint Gilgandra Shire Council as the Principal Certifying Authority
(PCA) to issue your Construction Certificate, please tick the “Gilgandra Shire Council” box in Section 7 of your Development Application Form. A Construction Certificate Application may be lodged at the same time as your Development Application or at any time after the lodgment of your Development Application.
On the other hand, if you choose to engage a Private Certifier to issue the Construction Certificate, please indicate the Name and Accreditation number of the certifier in Section 7 of your Development Application Form.
A Construction Certificate cannot however be issued unless the Development Application has been determined, and the Construction Certificate is consistent with the Development Consent. You must appoint a PCA, either Council or a Private Certifier, and notify Council in writing before you start any construction work.
When do I Lodge my Construction Certificate Application (If I choose Council as the PCA)?
Lodging the Construction Certificate Application and Development Application at the same time will improve the processing time of the Construction Certificate, as the Construction Certificate can be assessed at the same time as your Development Application.
A Construction Certificate Application must include:
• Detailed building plans and detailed specifications;
• Detailed engineering plans where applicable;
• Any other relevant documents, including a BASIX certificate if required;
• Details of the licensed builder (for all residential building work over $5,000) and a copy of the Home Owners Warranty Insurance (only required for residential work over
$20,000)? Note: If contract value is under $20,000 HOW insurance is not required. Rural machinery/farm sheds do not require insurance, and;
• Full payment of the appropriate application fees;