How to Join
Joining Gilgandra Shire Library and borrowing is FREE! All you need is identification that shows your name, address and signature. This could be a driving licence or health care card. People under 18 need to be enrolled by a parent or guardian at the Library. For more information, view our Frequently Asked Questions.
Initially, you can borrow up to four items at a time. When you have returned these loans three times, you can move on to borrow up to 15 items at a time.
You can borrow books, DVDs, music, magazines, large print, talking books and much more! For more information about Collections and Resources click on the What Can Your Borrow section.
We also provide a number of services for the community, including Storytime for children, volunteer literacy tutoring, Internet access, Wi-Fi access, online databases and printing services. We have a small local history collection. For more information visit the Local & Family History section.