Towards 5000: Gilgandra Youth Strategy
Recognising the essential role that our children and young people play in shaping the future of the region, Gilgandra Shire Council is creating our first Youth Strategy. The Strategy is being developed with the assistance of an expert team from the University of Newcastle.
Similar to Council's other Towards 5000 Strategies—Greening, Health, and Childcare— developed in collaboration with stakeholders and the community, the Youth Strategy will identify and outline objectives, priorities, and actions for the Council and stakeholders to deliver. These efforts aim to make Gilgandra a great place for children and young people to live, both today and in the future.
We need your help to develop the strategy by sharing your experiences, opinions, and ideas by completing an online survey.
If you have any questions about the project to develop Gilgandra Shire’s Towards 5000 Youth Strategy, please contact Dr Jenny Thompson via email:
Please complete the form below to Have Your Say.
The community can also:

The survey will close 5pm Friday, 28 February 2025.