361 Oxley Highway, GILGANDRA, Lot 12 & part Lot 11 DP 1296805
Gilgandra Shire Council is exhibiting a Planning Proposal (PP) affecting 361 Oxley Highway, GILGANDRA, Lot 12 & part Lot 11 DP 1296805.
The objective of the PP is to rezone certain rural land so that it can be used for industrial purposes. The PP intends to achieve this objective by rezoning the land to E4 General Industrial and amending the minimum lot size for subdivision to 5,000m2.
The PP and other supporting documentation is on public exhibition from Monday 2 September 2024 until Monday 30 September, being 20 working days. Documentation may be inspected at Gilgandra Shire Administration, 15 Warren Road, Gilgandra. Alternatively, all documents can be downloaded below:
1.Planning-Proposal(PDF, 2MB)
2. Maps(PDF, 662KB)
3. Appendix A Industrial Land Supply Demand Analysis(PDF, 1MB)
4. Appendix B Biodiversity Assessment(PDF, 2MB)
5. Appendix C Strategic Bushfire Study(PDF, 1MB)
6. Appendix D LUCRA(PDF, 7MB)
7. Appendix E Preliminary Land Contamination Assessment(PDF, 3MB)
8. Appendix F Aboriginal Archaeological Technical Report(PDF, 5MB)
9. Appendix G Water Sewer Servicing Strategy(PDF, 2MB)
10. Appendix H Traffic Impact Assessment(PDF, 8MB)
11. Gateway Determination PP-2024-1044(PDF, 58KB)
12. Letter to Council PP-2024-1044(PDF, 111KB)
Any interested person may, within the exhibition period, make written submission to Gilgandra Shire Council with respect to PP-2024-1044.
Any submissions that you wish to make on this PP may be included without alteration (including names and addresses) in reports that are available to the public, in Council business papers (which are published on Council's Website). Anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in consideration of the proposal.
Submissions can be made until 5pm, Monday 30 September 2024 via the submission form below,
Or in writing to:
General Manager
Gilgandra Shire Council
PO Box 23
Gilgandra NSW 2827
Or emailed with the subject heading PP-2024-1044 to council@gilgandra.nsw.gov.au
The Minister for Planning has delegated Gilgandra Shire Council to be the Local Plan Making Authority for this planning proposal.
All enquiries with respect to this matter should be directed to Stefanie Alchin, Development & Growth Planner on 02 6817 8800.